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Home | Plumbing | NFPA 14, Standard For The Installation Of Standpipe & Hose

Natl Fire Protection Assn

This widely used standard is the result of current experience with standpipe systems under fire conditions. A new chapter on water supply testing has been added outlining when and how a test must be conducted. This 2016 edition also includes information for the installation of private fire hydrants and hose houses and guidance for the design and application of master streams from NFPA 14. A new appendix section provides a recommended practice for fire flow testing and marking of hydrants. Added guidance for the spacing and location of fire department hose valves to assist fire fighters. New requirements permitting the use of pressure-reducing devices in multi-zone standpipe systems. Provisions for the supervision of piping for dry standpipe systems. Additional guidance on roof outlet applications.

This book is required for the Florida State Certified Contractor's exams for Plumbing.


Your Price: $150.00


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