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Home | Residential Pool | Concrete Masonry Handbook - 6th Edition


The Portland Cement Association's 6th edition of the popular Concrete Masonry Handbook for Architects, Engineers, Builders has been completely updated and now includes more than 200 color photos to describe designing and building with concrete masonry. The handbook maintains a similar organization to the previous version, and includes comprehensive coverage of concrete masonry units, mortar, and grout. The design and layout chapter provides an introduction to the structural behavior of masonry elements, including the types of loads acting on structures, and how the loads are carried through key components of masonry walls. Additional chapters address construction of concrete masonry, severe weather construction provisions, finishes for masonry walls, and applications of concrete masonry. The appendix includes more than 40 details of masonry sections, and a comprehensive glossary of masonry terms.

This book is required for the Florida State Certified Contractor's exams for Commercial Pool, and Residential Pool and Specialty Structure.


Your Price: $25.00


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