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Craftsman Book Company

If you estimate, install or repair roofing in residential or commercial structures, this book will show you the methods and materials the real pros use - the tricks, shortcuts, and estimating formulas that will get you the job, keep your labor and material costs on target, and bring you a healthy profit. In the competitive roofing business, it's not enough to just measure the roof and add 10% for waste. The estimating system you'll find here will help you make a quick, accurate take-off with a realistic waste factor. With the help of this book, you'll know which roofing methods and materials will do the job best, and provide the best value.

Hundreds of large, clear, illustrations and easy-to-understand tables, charts, calculations, examples, and step-by-step installation and repair procedures will help you find the answers to just about all your roofing questions.

This book is required for the Florida State Certified Contractor's exams for Roofing.


Your Price: $59.00


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