Camtech School of Construction
  Cam Colon, President and Founder

Thursday, March 27, 2025 06:39 AM


Florida Exam

Florida has one of the most challenging licensing examinations in the country and statistics show that those who tackle it without a proven exam preparation program have very little chance of passing.  Don’t waste your valuable time and money on “cram courses” or worse, go it alone.  Call us today at 800-875-PASS or join us for a Free Licensing Information Seminar (add link) and let Cam Tech show you how to do it right the first time!

CAM TECH SCHOOL of CONSTRUCTION offers more than three times the class days other schools offer. Our non-repetitive classes are taught by professional and experienced instructors and are individually tailored to your particular licensing category.

Sure, we could schedule our classes like all the other contractor exam preparation schools, where every weekend is pretty much the same and you have an open invitation to do it all again, over and over, each week.  But we don’t because we want you to learn what you need to know in order to pass one of the toughest contractors' exams in the nation the first time!  Benefit from our hands-on, involved teaching methods in a progressive and proven curriculum.

What sets the CAM TECH program apart from all the others is our distinct two-part program consisting of our Home Study Course Book and live Weekend Classes.  The Home Study Course Book allows you time to familiarize yourself with your reference books at your own pace; then we bring it all together for you in our weekend classes.  We know from our over 100 years of combined licensing preparation experience that there is no way to “cram” all the material needed for the state exam in just one or two weekends. Repetitive material or out dated DVD’s and online classes don't give you the focused assistance of the live instruction you will receive at Cam Tech School of Construction.

We test you each and every weekend at Cam Tech with a different simulated examination, but we don’t simply hand out an answer sheet and leave you out in the cold trying to figure out how to solve the complicated exam problems.  Instead, we work out each question, step by step, with you and show you how to arrive at the correct answers with our valuable shortcut techniques. But what makes our program absolutely unbeatable is the fact that our technical classes are broken up by individual licensing categories so you will get the specific attention you need for your particular exam.

And our instructors are simply the best.  We are anchored by Cam Colon with over 35 years of experience helping people just like you to pass that challenging exam, and complimented by 7 addition teachers who are exam prep specialists in their licensing fields.

Join us at Cam Tech School of Construction and know that in just a few weeks, you will have the best preparation of anyone in the state to beat the odds and get your license!

Ready to register for your Florida State Contractor's Exam now?  Sign up here!

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